Hung Chit-Wah

Hung Chit-Wah

Theatre Practitioner

Hung Chit-Wah is someone whom I have photographed numerous times in The Theatre Practice productions. She is originally from Hong Kong and is a real live wire. I remember during a shoot for a wuxia play, we struck a few poses together.

「 横看成岭侧成峰,
只缘身在此山中。 」
— 苏轼,《题西林壁》, 大约11世纪 [1]


[1] “Ridges in front and peaks to the side,
Mountains in different shapes far and wide.
Of Lushan’s true facade one can never know,
If one stays within the mountains so.”
— Su Shi, “Writing for Xilin Temple’s Wall,” translated by L. Y. Lee, circa 11th century